What Next?
We no longer call it the Health and Social Care Bill - it is now the Health and Social Care Act . The Queen used her signature to make it law on 27th March 2012. For many of us campaigning against the Health Bill this was a day we hoped we would never see. We fought for over 18 months to highlight all the dangers in the Bill to the NHS. During the last few months the legislation looked in increasing danger with many more groups opposing the Bill . But the political numbers were against us - with the support of the Liberal Democrats (in the Lords and the Commons) the Bill became law. Without LibDem support the Bill would have fallen. The LibDems ensured this most unpopular Tory Bill became law. So we must ask - what next? Many of us will continue the fight. In fact we will redouble our efforts. We will continue to highlight all the dangers to the NHS that will come about under this Act. We want to promote a fair NHS for all and we wish to see an NHS restored after the next e...